In the fall of 1968, a man and a boy each take a separate flight to Madrid, Spain. The boy is an exile from Cuba; the man is a wealthy uncle from Newark sent to meet and care for the boy. A few days later, the man is found dead in a luxury hotel room […]
Current Events
‘Exilio,’ A Novel
Friday, March 1, 2013 @ 6:30 pm
Cuban Cinema Cycle: Juan de los muertos
Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 6:30 pm
The second installment in our 2012-2013 Cuban Cinema Cycle is Alejandro Brugués’s Juan of the Dead, a 2011 quasi-horror film that has garnered multiple awards and critical acclaim worldwide, most recently, Spain’s Goya Award for Best Iberoamerican Film: Writer and director Brugués deviates from the genre’s norm to create a satirical zombie-comedy and, in […]
The Blogosphere and Civil Society in Cuba
Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
A round-table discussion on the role of the blogosphere in contemporary Cuba and its potential contribution to the construction of civil society on the island. Featuring the most prominent Cuban bloggers in and outside of Cuba: Yoani Sánchez is best known for her blog, Generación Y (Generation Y), and she is also a regular contributor […]
Siempre en mi corazón / Always in My Heart
Friday, April 5, 2013 @ 8 pm
A gala concert featuring the songs of Ernesto Lecuona, on the 50th anniversary year of his death. Cuba’s most prolific composer, Lecuona wrote over 600 pieces, and his catalogue spans several genres, including piano pieces, songs, zarzuelas, movie scores, and works for piano and orchestra. Also an outstanding pianist, his influence on Latin American music […]