José Martí: Legado, vigencia y guía

Sunday, November 12, 2023 ~ 8:30 am to 7:30 pm

For a detailed PROGRAM of the event, click on this link:

The Cuban Cultural Center of New York presents its 22nd consecutive annual conference, this year titled José Martí: Legado, vigencia y guía, delving into the overarching legacy of the most prominent and consequential figure in Cuba’s history, widely regarded as the founder of the Cuban nation. The presentations will cover all aspects of his legacy, as thinker, revolutionary, poet, essayist, journalist, and teacher, as well as his daily life, his friendships, and his personal trials and tribulations while living in late 19th century New York City. Special emphasis will also be placed on the resonance of his teachings today and their potential role in a transition to democracy in Cuba.

The congreso will include illustrated presentations, archival photographs, film clips, and engaging Q&As with the audience, and will be headlined by renowned scholars, journalists, historians, and artists from Cuba, Latin America, and the United States, including opening and closing keynote speakers Esther Allen and Dagoberto Valdés, and featuring José Moya, Iraida Iturralde, Salvador Salazar, Jorge Ignacio Domínguez, Orlando José Hernández, Emilio Sánchez, Perla Rozencvaig, Emilio Cueto, Yoandy Izquierdo Toledo, Elena Palmero, Joaquín Gálvez, Ricardo Gil, and Eduardo Lolo, among others. The congreso will be dedicated in memoriam to Carlos Ripoll, widely considered the most outstanding Martí scholar.

The one-day flagship event will include continental breakfast, almuerzo cubano, an evening musical reception with wine and Cuban hors d’oeuvres for all panelists and participants, as well as pre-registered attendees.  


Broadway bet. 116th & 117th Sts., NYC

The conference is open to the public, but pre-registration is required. All panelists and participants are already pre-registered.
Congreso panelists and participants, and pre-registered attendees, will be granted free admission to an end-of-season concert honoring Ernesto Lecuona.

Registration deadline (online or by mail) is November 5th.

A. MEMBERS (CCCNY, Instituto Cervantes, CAALE, and Centro de Estudios Convivencia): 
Registration fee includes a $25 discount.

Registration fee includes a complimentary 1-year membership to the CCCNY.

To REGISTER ONLINE, click here.

To REGISTER BY MAIL, make your check or money order to Cuban Cultural Center and mail it to:
Mayra McCarthy, CCCNY Treasurer
556 Pelham Road
New Rochelle, NY 10805

For questions or additional info, write to:

Barnard College and Columbia University FACULTY AND STAFF can attend the conference absolutely GRATIS, with proper identification at the door, but lunch and reception are NOT included. A list of eateries in the vicinity will be provided. 

Barnard College students and college students from the NYC metropolitan area can also attend the conference absolutely GRATIS, with proper identification at the door, but lunch and reception are NOT included. A list of eateries in the vicinity will be provided.

Make a special donation to our XXII CONGRESO ANUAL, and your name will be given special recognition in both the conference and concert playbills, please click here.


TO PLACE AN AD in our José Martí playbill, print, fill out and submit this form.


This event is co-presented by the Forum on Migration at Barnard College and the Institute for Latin American Studies and the Greater Caribbean Center of Columbia University


In association with Centro de Estudios Convivencia, Instituto Cervantes, and Cuban-American Alliance for Leadership and Education



With the sponsorship of




And is s
upported, in part, by public funds from the 
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, and made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.


With the collaboration of Diario de Cuba, 14ymedio, and Cuban Heritage Collection 



The Cuban Cultural Center of New York is a non-profit institution dedicated to preserve and promote Cuban and Cuban-American culture and to foster new developments in the arts. The CCCNY is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax-exempt.
Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @cccdeny ~ Look us up on Facebook

Given the intrinsic importance of language in José Martí’s legacy, the 2023 Congreso will be held IN SPANISH.