A groundbreaking art film by painter and sculptor Gladys Triana, seeking to go beyond the aesthetic quality of the image to explore the fantasy of the unknown and the circle of existential meaning. With hauntingly abstract music and intervals of silence, and a striking interplay of light and movement, the film poignantly evokes the passage […]
Current Events
Gladys Triana’s The Observer
Thursday, May 26, 2011 @ 6:00 pm
The Journalistic Legacy of José Martí
Friday, May 20, 2011 @ 6:30 pm
Marissa Ambio explores the many periodicals published by the Cuban community in exile during the Ten Years War (1868-78), reflecting the development of the Cuban national project during this period. Taking off on this tradition, Esther Allen explores the extraordinary journalistic output of José Martí as a foreign correspondent throughout the 1890’s and early 1990’s […]
Aimé Césaire’s Solar Throat Slashed
Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 7:00 pm
A discussion of the importance of Cuba and Cubans—including Lydia Cabrera and Wifredo Lam—in launching the career of Martinican poet Aimé Césaire (1913—2008) during WWII. Clayton Eshleman, Césaire’s foremost translator, and A. James Arnold, the leading editor of the poet’s French works, will read from their translation of Césaire’s Soleil cou coupe (Wesleyan University Press). […]
Cuban Overtures ~ from José White to George Gershwin*
Friday, April 29, 2011 @ 7:30 pm
Classical pianists Eric Clark (U.S.), Vitaly Popov (Russia) and Chiemi Nakai (Japan) play European masters and then pay due hommage to George Gershwin and classical Cuban composers from the 19th and 20th centuries, including José White, Alejandro García Caturla, Ernesto Lecuona and others. Featuring a stellar performance by Cuban bass virtuoso Carlos del Pino, artistic […]
José Triana’s Palabras Comunes
Monday, April 11, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
A dramatic reading from Cuban playwright José Triana’s Palabras comunes (1979-86), translated by Joanne Pottlitzer as “Common Words.” Widely regarded as Triana’s most important work, “Common Words” is set in Cuba between 1894 and 1914, from the prelude of the Spanish-American War to the eve of World War I. Pottlitzer, a New York-based producer, director […]
La mala fama por Gina Montaner
Viernes 8 de Abril, 2011 @ 6:30 pm
La destacada crítica Perla Rozencvaig entrevista a la autora sobre su primera novela, una vertiginosa historia en torno a una mujer con ansias de redimirse por las malos caminos que ha tomado en su vida. Como ha señalado Armando Añel, se trata de “un recorrido que descubre al lector sus intersticios con elegancia y sobriedad; […]
Cuban Fiestas and The Havana Habit
Thursday, March 31, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Renowned writers Roberto González Echevarría and Gustavo Pérez Firmat will discuss and read from their most recent publications Cuban Fiestas and The Havana Habit, both published by Yale University Press. The works explore, respectively, la fiesta cubana from the nineteenth century to the present, and the influence of Cuba in its various manifestations on U.S. […]
Reescribir el Atlántico: Las escritoras del cruce Canarias-América
Viernes 25 de Marzo, 2011 @ 6:30 pm
Una fascinante conferencia por la distinguida crítica María Hernández – Ojeda, en la que explora el estrecho vínculo entre las Islas Canarias y América mediante la obra literaria de Juana Fernández Ferraz, Nivaria Tejera, Mercedes Pinto y Josefina Plá. En su estudio de este cruce transatlántico, Hernández – Ojeda rescata el aporte de estas escritoras […]
A Cuban Maestro Revisits The Beatles*
Saturday, March 19, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
What has made the music of The Beatles so universally popular and what made them such a dominant factor in the revolutionary decade of the 1960’s? Through vintage films and CD’s, Cuban composer and musician Armando Tranquilino will take us on a trip down Penny Lane, bringing to life a magical period in the history […]
¡Le ronca el mambo!
Thursday, March 10, 2011 @ 6:30 pm
A multimedia musical presentation on the turbulent history of the most universal of Cuban rhythms. Come and listen to the mambos that shook the 50’s to their core, with archival film footage of Ninón Sevilla, María Antonieta Pons, Amelia Aguilar, Tito Puente, Machito and his Afrokubans, the Dolly Sisters and the creator of the mambo […]
Saturday, December 18th, 2010 at 7:30 PM
A celebration of the bicentennial anniversary of R. Schumann and F. Chopin with the Ossia Symphony Orchestra, under maestro Orlando Alonso, starring pianists Orlay Alonso and the legendary Cuban virtuoso Juana Zayas, whose 1983 recording of the Chopin Études was chosen by International Piano Quarterly as the compelling first choice of the 20th century. At […]